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Data 6: Introduction to Computational Thinking with Data 📊

UC Berkeley, Fall 2024

Ed bCourses Gradescope Textbook Jump to Current Week


Jedi Tsang he/him


Week 1 Announcements

Aug 28 · 0 min read
  • More to come!

Week 1 — Introduction to Python

Aug 28
1 Introduction, Course Overview
Aug 30
2 Jupyter Notebooks, Arithmetic
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 1.1, 3.1; SPR 8
Survey Welcome Survey  
Discussion 01 Fractions & Health Data
Worksheet • Solutions

Week 2

Sep 2
No Class — Labor Day
Sep 4
Lab 1 Using Jupyter Notebooks  Due Sep 4 @ 11:00PM
Optional Reading: CP 1.2; CIT 3.2; 4.1; 4.2
Reading 1 Assignment  Due Sep 12 @ 11:00PM
Sep 6
3 Arrays and Variables
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: PPDS 1.2, CIT 5.1
Survey Week 2 Survey   Due Sep 9 @ 11:00 PM
Discussion 2 Python Basics: Names, Operations, Debugging
Worksheet • Solutions

Week 3

Sep 9
4 NumPy, Indexing, Working with Data
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: PPDS 5.2, CIT 5.6
Homework 1 Introduction to Python   Due Sep 20 @ 11:00PM
Sep 11
Lab 2 NumPy, Indexing, Working with Data Continued  Due Sep 11 @ 11:00PM
Sep 13
5 Introduction to Social Science Research
Survey Week 3 Survey   Due Sep 16 @ 11:00 PM
Discussion 3 Your Digital Self
Worksheet • Solutions

Week 4

Sep 16
6 Table Fundamentals
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 6, CIT 6.2 datascience Documentation
Reading 2 Assignment Due Sep 26 @ 11:00PM
Sep 18
Lab 3 Tables and Data  Due Sep 18 @ 11:00PM
Sep 20
7 Sorting and Filtering Rows
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 6.1, CIT 6.2
Survey Week 4 Survey   Due Sep 23 @ 11:00 PM
Discussion 4 Documentation, Array Operations & Table Methods
Worksheet •Solutions

Week 5

Sep 23
8 Functions Part 1
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 8, SPR 9, PPDS 2.5
Homework 2 Table Methods and Functions   Due Oct 6 @ 11:00PM
Sep 25
Lab 4 Functions Part 2  Due Sep 25 @ 11:00PM
Sep 27
9 Applying
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 8.1
Survey Week 5 Survey   Due Sep 30 @ 11:00 PM
Discussion 5 Functions, Scope & Social Science
Worksheet •Solutions

Week 6

Sep 30
10 Row Methods, Joining Tables
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 8.4
Oct 2
Lab 5 Tables  Due Oct 2 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Oct 4
11 Quiz 1 Review
Slides• Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 7.1.3, CIT 8.3.3, Table Function Visualizer
Survey Week 6 Survey   Due Oct 7 @ 11:00 PM

Week 7

Oct 7
Quiz 1 Quiz 1:Basic Table Methods, Functions
Reading 3  Due Oct 17 @ 11:00PM
Oct 9
12 Grouping and Pivoting  NO LAB THIS WEEK
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Oct 11
13 Practice with Grouping and Pivoting
Slides• Code • Blank Code
Survey Week 7 Survey   Due Oct 14 @ 11:00 PM
Discussion 7
Worksheet •Solutions

Week 8

Oct 14
14 Introduction to Visualization
Optional Reading: CIT 7.3, FDV 12.1
Homework 3 Advanced Table Methods   Due Oct 24 @ 11:00PM
Oct 16
Lab 7 Introduction to Visualization Methods  Due Oct 16 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code• Blank Code
Oct 18
15 Visualizing Categorical Variables, Numerical Variables
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Discussion 8

Week 9

Oct 21
15 Visualizing Two Numerical Variables, Bickel Case Study
Slides• Code • Blank Code
Reading 4  Due Oct 31 @ 11:00PM
Oct 23
Lab 8 Functions and Control  Due Oct 23 @ 11:00PM
Slides• Code • Blank Code
Oct 25
16 Comparisons
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 4.3; SPR 14
Discussion 9

Week 10

Oct 28
17 Control
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 9.1; CP 1.5
Homework 4 Control, Iterations, Strings   Due Nov 7 @ 11:00PM
Oct 30
Lab 9 Functions and Control  Due Oct 30 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Nov 1
18 Iteration
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: CIT 9.2; SPR 12
Discussion 10

Week 11

Nov 4
19 More Iteration
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: PPDS 2.1
Reading 5  Due Nov 22 @ 11:00PM
Nov 6
Lab 10 Iterations  Due Nov 6 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Nov 8
20 File Formats, Dictionaries
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Discussion 11

Week 12

Nov 11
No Class - Academic and Administrative Holiday
Nov 13
Lab 11 Dictionaries  Due Nov 13 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Nov 15
Quiz Quiz 2:Advanced Table Mathods, Visualization, Control

Week 13

Nov 18
21 Sampling
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Final Project  Due Dec 9 @ 11:00PM
Nov 20
Lab 12 Project Work Day
Nov 22
22 Randomness, Simulation
Slides • Code
Optional Reading: CIT 9;CIT 9.3
Discussion 12

Week 14

Nov 25
23 Guest Lecture
Nov 27
No Class - Non-Instructional Day
Nov 29
No Class - Academic and Administrative Holiday

Week 15

Dec 2
24 Maps
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Optional Reading: Plotly Documentation
Dec 4
Lab 13 Randomness  Due Dec 4 @ 11:00PM
Slides • Code • Blank Code
Dec 6
25 Conclusion and Next

Week 16

RRR Week

Week 17

Dec 20
Exam Final Exam